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Ankle Injuries


The ankle is the most commonly injured joint of the human body. This is especially true in athletics.

The most common ankle injury is an inversion ankle sprain. This is the injury often decribed as "I rolled my ankle!" Another more significant ankle injury is a syndesmotic ankle sprain, or more commonly known as a high ankle sprain. Lastly and least common, is a medial ankle sprain, which needs an outside force to roll the ankle inward.

You are going to research different ways to care for the different types of ankle sprains.

The academic standard that will be assessed in this webquest is a science standard: 3.1.12.A., which is to analyze how structure is related to function at all levels of biological organization from molecules to organisms.


You are an athletic trainer at Panek Univeristy. You have three athletes waiting in your office to be seen with three different ankle injuries.

Athlete one is diagnosed with an inversion ankle sprain. Athlete two is diagnosed with a syndesmotic ankle sprain. Athlete three is diagnosed with a medial ankle sprain.

Your job is to treat and coordinate their rehabilitation program over the next 4-6 weeks according to their proper diagnoses using the questions below to guide you.

Questions to Help Guide in Treatment

1. What ligament(s) was/were injured?
2. What is typical healing time?
3. What should be done in the first 24-48 hours of the injury?
4. What should the athlete be advised to do at home?
5. What type of rehabilitation plan should be set in place?


You will meet with each individual athlete to determine the severity of their ankle sprain. Once you have enough information, use the websites at the end of the webquest to help devise a rehabilitation plan for the athlete to follow. You are to care for the athlete during this time, putting your plan into action and keeping a log of their progress.

Once all athletes are healed you are to prepare a presentation for class. You may present however you wish. Some examples of presentations include: power point, tri-fold boards, poster boards, videos, etc.


Your project will be graded using the following rubric.

All parts are complete and exceed expectations.
All parts are complete.
One part is incomplete
More than one part is incomplete.
Covers topic in-depth. Includes details and gives examples.
Covers the topic.
Includes relevant information, but has 1 or 2 factual errors.
Includes little information and has many factual errors.
Properly uses the sources given, as well as, uses other sources.
Properly uses the sources given.
Needs little assistance accessing the websites given.
Needs much assistance accessing the websites given.
Content is well organized: uses headings and bullets and/or numberings.
Uses headings and bullets and/or numberings,but the organization is flawed.
Content is organized for the most part.
There was minimal organization, just a lot of facts.
The workload was divided and shared equally with all team members.
The workload is divided with team members; however the workload varies amongst each team member.
The workload is divided amongst team members; however one member is not completing his/her workload.
The workload was not divided equally or many team members did not complete their fair share of work.
Oral Presentation
Interesting, smooth delivery that held the teacher and peers attention.
Pretty interesting, with a fairly smooth delivery that held the teacher and peers attention.
Delivery was not smooth, but did hold the teacher and peers attention.
Delivery was not smooth, nor did it hold the teacher and peers attention.


You have analyzed the different types of ankle sprains and how their rehabilitation is different. Did you know there was different rehabilitation plans for the different types of sprains? How is the rehabilitation of the ankle similar to knee injury rehabilitation? How is it different? These are just some questions that you can think about now that you have researched ankle injuries.

Websites to be used:

Click here for Anatomy Review
Click here for Information on Medial Ankle Injuries
Click here for Information on Lateral Ankle Injuries
Click her for Information on Syndesmotic Ankle Sprains